A message from the Dean



垣内 康孝


 金沢大学国際基幹教育院(Institute of Liberal Arts and Science)のwebsiteにアクセスして頂きありがとうございます。このwebsiteには国際基幹教育院および共通教育に関する情報が紹介されています。

 国際基幹教育院は、世界で活躍する「金沢大学ブランド」人材を育成するために、本学が独自に定めた教育方針である金沢大学<グローバル>スタンダード(Kanazawa University “Global” Standard; KUGS)に基づき,基幹教育を強固に推進することによって,本学の教育全体の高度化と国際化を牽引することを目的としています。

 基幹教育とは、学士課程、修士課程及び博士課程それぞれの教育の基盤をなす教養的教育であると定義致しました。平成28年度入学生から適用されている共通教育カリキュラムでは、KUGSに基づいたGS(Global Standard)科目と英語を基本的な外国語コミュニケーション言語に指定し、国際化に対応した言語運用能力を高めるためのGS言語科目を両輪として、大学生としての素養を養う導入科目、自然科学系分野の基礎となる基礎科目、初めて学ぶ英語以外の外国語科目の初習言語科目を配しています。さらに、学士課程専門教育および大学院教育においてもGS科目の発展後継版としての学域GS科目および大学院GS科目を開講しています。




Thank you for visiting the website of Kanazawa University’s Institute of Liberal Arts and Science. This site is designed to provide information about the Institute and the educational courses it provides.

The Institute of Liberal Arts and Science was established in order to lead the initiative to heighten the level of globalization of all of the university’s educational efforts by promoting and advancing general education. At the foundation of the Institute’s educational policies are the Kanazawa University “Global” Standards (KUGS), which set forth the university’s educational benchmarks for developing the KU-Brand of human resources who strongly aspire to venture out into the world.

We value liberal arts and science as the basis of education, not only for undergraduate programs, but for master’s and doctoral degrees as well. In the new common education curriculum adopted in 2016, the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science implemented several different types of courses, principally comprised of Global Standard (GS) Courses based on KUGS, and GS Language Courses aiming to improve communicative competency and proficiency in English, which we consider essential for working globally.  In addition to these, the Institute provides courses designed to assist students in the transition to university life, courses focusing on the foundations of scientific knowledge, and introductory courses in foreign languages other than English.  Furthermore, we offer courses for specialized undergraduate programs and for graduate school education.

Including faculty members with a wide range of expertise, the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science is organized into two divisions: the Faculty of Global Standard Education, the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies. The Institute also draws on the expertise and support of faculty from the International Student Center and the College of Science and Engineering.    Furthermore, in April of 2018, the Institute established the School of General Education, a new entry option for those students who wish to choose their major after studying courses offered by the Institute during their first year.  (See the Organization of the institute for details.)

As a responsible department that is creating a new system of general education for Kanazawa University, we at the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science hope to work together as a unified team with faculty members across the university. We sincerely wish for cooperation and support from both on and off campus.


Yasutaka Kakiuchi

Dean, Institute of Liberal Arts and Science